Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Do I Need Special Net-Zero Energy Home Building Permits?

Net-Zero energy home building permitsHomeowners across the country are putting an increased emphasis on making their homes as energy efficient as possible. Not only does energy efficiency save a good deal of money, but it is also environmentally friendly. Net-Zero energy homes provide the most energy efficiency possible by using renewable energy to almost completely make up for annual energy consumption. If you’re considering building a Net-Zero energy home, then you might be interested in the regulations involved in the construction process. Read on to learn about Net-Zero energy home building permits, and how to get one for your Net-Zero home.

Learn the Purpose of Building Permits

When you apply for a building permit, you are asking for permission from your local government to build a home. Before the home construction process can begin, you must comply with all the regulations that your local government has instituted to be approved for a building permit. Because the construction process is different from building normal homes, green home building permits comprise various regulations that are meant to reduce environmental impacts as much as possible. If you want to reduce your environmental and energy impact by building an energy efficient home, then it is integral to comply with all of your local building codes so you will be granted a permit.

Acquiring Net-Zero Certification

Building these energy homes is a very intricate process and since it can be very difficult to make sure that your energy consumption is offset with renewable energy sources, Net-Zero certification can be very hard to attain without the proper guidance. In addition to complying with regulations set by the Environmental Protection Agency in order for your home to qualify as a Net-Zero home, you may also be required to acquire a building permit by adhering to your state’s rules for building a green home. Every state has their own requirements for building energy efficient homes, so it is best to consult your state’s regulatory board before beginning construction.

Consult Your Home Builder to Comply with Regulations

There’s no such thing as a stupid question, so if you’re still confused as to whether or not you need a building permit before you start construction on your Net-Zero energy home, then you should make sure to ask your home builder to help you out. Most home builders have intricate knowledge of how to acquire building permits for every type of home you could build, including Net-Zero energy homes. Receiving guidance from your home builder ensures that you will get the permits that you need to build your energy efficient home in the quickest manner possible.

Hire a Certified Builder for Your Home

Deciding to build a Net-Zero energy homes prove your commitment to both conservation and saving as much money as possible. Because Net-Zero homes entail a different building process than a traditional home, it is important that you only consider certified Scottsdale Net-Zero builders to handle your construction job. The right home builder makes the process of acquiring permits and building your energy efficient home as easy and affordable as possible. With a Net-Zero home built by a great home builder, you’ll save more money than you could have ever possibly imagined.


Contact the Net-Zero Energy home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge green home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!


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Do I Need Special Net-Zero Energy Home Building Permits?

Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Net-Zero Home Builders in Scottsdale, AZ

Net-Zero Home Builders in Scottsdale AZEvery experienced homeowner knows how important it is to do your research before selecting a home builder. This process is doubly important when you are thinking about building a Net-Zero energy home. Constructing a Net-Zero energy home is a much different process than building a traditional home, which is why you need a hiring checklist to consult before you decide on the right builder for you. Keep reading to learn the qualifications that you should look for when you’re trying to find the best Net-Zero Home Builders in Scottsdale AZ.

Experience Great Savings with Net-Zero Homes

Building Net-Zero homes come with many benefits that you may not be aware of if you’ve never experienced one for yourself. Primarily, people choose Net-Zero homes for their extreme efficiency. In fact, Net-Zero homes are so energy efficient, it is likely that you will see the end of energy bills once you move into your new home. Additionally, Net-Zero houses are extremely environmentally friendly because they function through the use of renewable resources in order to offset energy consumption. As you can see, these types of homes are great for those who are concerned with saving money and practicing conservation.

Hire a Builder That is Certified

Just like with traditional homes, you want to make sure you find the right builder for your Net-Zero house. You should be certain that whoever you hire is a certified Net-Zero builder. Certified builders will have the knowledge needed to construct your Net-Zero home in a way that complies with the standards set out by the Environmental Protection Agency. If you don’t make sure your builder is certified, then you are risking your home being improperly built, which could prevent it earning the Net-Zero designation. Always ask to see proof of certification before making any hiring decisions.

Make Sure Your Builder Understands the Net-Zero Building Process

Experience is the most important attribute that a home builder should possess. You don’t want to hire someone that does not know their profession inside and out. The process of building a Net-Zero home is so intricate, you want to know that the person you hire has experience building this type of home. The best way to ensure that your home builder understands the process of constructing a Net-Zero home is by having them explain the whole thing to you from start to finish. If they can clearly describe the process, then they should be able to handle your construction job.

Ask for Referrals Before Hiring

Almost every type of job in the world requires that it’s employees undergo a background check. You can employ a similar tactic to make sure you’re hiring the right home builder by asking for referrals. A home builder that can provide home building referrals from past customers proves that they are trustworthy and experienced enough to handle your construction job. Without referrals, it’s impossible to know if a home builder is qualified enough to work for you.

Choose a Company with a Long Reputation of Service

Everyone has heard nightmare stories about someone hiring a fly by night home builder. While hiring a new home builder can be enticing, it is better to make sure that whoever you hire has been in the business of home building for a long time. Home building companies that have an expansive history and resulting reputation are more likely to build your Net-Zero home quickly, professionally and at the price that you want.

Check Off Every Mark on Your List

Employing a hiring checklist makes sure that you are always getting the perfect company to build your home. Certified Arizona Net-Zero home builders will possess the experience, knowledge and professionalism needed to build your home in the way that you want. Once you find the company that hits every mark, hire them right away so that you can experience the huge savings of living in a Net-Zero home.


Contact the Net-Zero Energy home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge green home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!


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Net-Zero Home Builders in Scottsdale, AZ

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

ERV vs HRV: Which is Better for Net-Zero Energy Homes?

ERV vs HRVWhen building a net-zero energy home, there are so many factors to take into consideration that it can be confusing to know where to start. Each detail has to be meticulously planned to ensure your home is as energy efficient as possible. This process can be highly stressful, but the savings in the long run, are worth it.

One decision that homebuilders have to make is choosing ERV vs HRV systems to provide your home with fresh, filtered air. They are balanced ventilation systems that, though more expensive to install than other mechanical ventilation systems, save homeowners in Arizona a lot on operating costs, which is why they are commonly used in net-zero homes. Both are highly energy efficient, but what are the differences? 

ERV Filtration System

An energy-recovery ventilator (ERV) operates essentially the same as an HRV while also dealing with the home’s humidity. It will take some of the moisture from the more humid air stream and transfer it to the dryer air stream, which in most cases does not cause cross-contamination of air streams.

HRV Filtration System

A heat-recovery ventilator (HRV) exhausts stale air from the home while at the same time pulling in fresh air. Stale air is generally removed from rooms with the most moisture—bathrooms and laundry rooms—while fresh air is pumped into the most-used rooms, like the living room and bedrooms. Since both these air streams pass through the same ventilator, heat from whichever stream is warmer (fresh air in summer, stale air in winter) is “recovered” and transferred to the other airstream without the two airflows mixing.

Air Ventilation in Hot Climates 

Both HRVs and ERVs need air conditioning in order to properly ventilate homes during the summer. This is because a heat exchange must occur in order for ventilation to happen. The incoming air from the outside must be warmer than the outgoing exhaust air from the inside, which won’t be the case if the indoor air isn’t being cooled by an air conditioner. Thankfully, home air conditioning in Phoenix isn’t generally a problem, as families depend on it for both comfort and safety during hot summer months.

Which System is Right for My Home?

Net-Zero energy home ventilation systems have different operating costs depending mainly on the climate and airflow. If you are building a net zero home from the ground up, airflow should be tight and well maintained—you’ll have much more control over your home’s energy leaking than if you were to refurbish an old Victorian house. Based on the dry climates that most Arizona homeowners are used to, it’s likely that either an ERV or an HRV will be a good choice.

Both ERV and HRV systems are good—your contractor will be able to make the best recommendation based on your home building specifics. For custom zero energy home building in Scottsdale, Peak One Builders provides expertise on all aspects of the home building process, right down to which ventilation system is right for your home.


Contact the Net-Zero Energy home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge green home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!


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ERV vs HRV: Which is Better for Net-Zero Energy Homes?

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

What Is the Cost of Building a Net-Zero Home in Arizona?

Cost of Building a Net-Zero Home in ArizonaThere are many ways most Americans incorporate energy efficiency into their daily lives. For lots of us, turning off the faucet and separating our recyclables has become second nature. However, some take it even further, incorporating net-zero building technologies into their home design so that their homes’ annual energy consumption is completely offset by their renewable energy systems.

Many families could benefit from building net-zero energy homes, but what do they entail? You may be curious about building an energy-efficient property when it’s time to move to a new home, but perhaps you need to educate yourself on the process first. The cost of building a Net-Zero home in Arizona depends on a variety of factors. Read on for more information provided by Peak One Builders, a Net-Zero home building company in Scottsdale.

What Goes Into Building a Net-Zero Home?

There are many different design factors that go into building a net-zero home. Most, if not all, energy efficient homes run on solar power, so you will have to purchase solar panels for your home’s roof. Doors and windows must be highly insulated—even fiberglass shades that insulate windows will save a ton on energy costs. There are a few different air filtration systems to choose from that are more energy efficient than the traditional filtration systems on the market. Net-Zero homes also incorporate energy efficient appliances, which are easy to research as they generally receive good Energy Star ratings. Even using energy efficient light bulbs (such as LEDs) will help lower your home’s energy consumption.

There are far too many factors that go into building a home of any kind to list all of them here, let alone a net zero home. Hiring the right contractor is key to getting the most out of your net zero home; they will have every single detail planned to make sure your home is just the way you want it.

Renewable Energy Savings

While a net-zero energy home may have significant upfront costs due to the installation of a renewable energy system, it will save you as a homeowner so much in energy costs in the long run that these costs are completely offset. These homes are also highly sustainable, as the energy systems don’t depend on anything but the land they sit on—they will last much longer than even your lifetime, so your energy efficient home will have a very high resale value.

Costs Depend on Customizations

Cost, of course, varies depending on features. The more truly net zero you build your custom home to be, the more you’ll spend on upfront costs. For example, energy-efficient air filtration systems are significantly more expensive than standard ones. However, the more you spend on energy efficiency at the outset, the more you will save on energy costs in the long run—all the while reducing your carbon footprint.


Contact the Net-Zero Energy home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge green home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!


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What Is the Cost of Building a Net-Zero Home in Arizona?

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

How Long Does It Take to Build a Net-Zero Energy Home?

How Long Does It Take to Build a Net-Zero Energy HomeA net-zero energy home poses many benefits to the average individual or family, chief among them being lower greenhouse emissions and reducing energy consumption. As a result, constructing these specialized homes is becoming much more popular as the years go by, and odds are, someone you know is already starting to lean towards a new installation themselves. Building net-zero homes is not always easy, however, and it’s best to get a professional to help you with the transition. Read on to learn the answers to the question, “How long does it take to build a net-zero energy home?”

If you’re specifically trying to find custom Scottsdale net-zero energy home builders, give Peak One Builders a chance. At the very least we can advise you on different methods of energy-saving construction until we’ve found just the right one for you and your budget. You just have to accept that sometimes the process can take time.

Exactly How Much Time Are You Looking At?

Building a net-zero energy home can be time-consuming for a reason—in effect, you’re setting up an entirely new energy system. If you’re wondering how long does it take to build a net-zero energy home, you have to first recognize that the answer is relative to your specific project. For the most part, these kinds of jobs can take up to six to eight months, though it could take longer or shorter depending on the scale. It’s just important to accept that making your home 100% energy efficient and cost effective demands time.

Find a Certified Net-Zero Energy Builder

After you’ve committed to building a net-zero energy home, you’ll need to find someone who can actually accomplish the job. Peak One Builders is a great choice for the Scottsdale area, but for those living elsewhere, you’ll want to be wary before hiring a company to look at your remodel. If you can’t check their credentials or see past work, you should avoid them.

Plans and Permits Take Time

Energy efficient home building is a major project that requires necessary approvals. After all, you’re stepping on a lot of municipal toes when deciding to totally revamp your energy system, and getting your plans and permits cleared can be quite a headache. Therefore, when going into this process, keep in mind that much of your time will be spent waiting on bureaucrats.

Building the Home is No Small Task

Once you’ve found the right custom home builders and gotten the correct clearances, then comes the monumental task of actually constructing your new home. For obvious reasons, this may take a while, especially if you’re starting from scratch. Most of your time will go into this stage of the process, so be prepared. Just bear in mind that when everything is said and done, you’ve got a quality new energy efficient home to hopefully keep with you forever.


Contact the Net-Zero Energy home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge green home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

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