Tuesday, March 28, 2017

How to Design a Kitchen Renovation for Entertaining

How to design a kitchen renovationEntertaining guests is a great deal of fun. It allows you not only to spend time with your nearest and dearest, but to show off your home and skills as a host. It may seem odd, but when you entertain people and host gatherings, they gravitate towards the kitchen. This is because the kitchen is the heart and soul of your home. It’s warm, welcoming, and is purely you.

People who are excited about the prospect of having guests, hosting parties and entertaining in general, want a kitchen that encourages people to spend time there. Targeting this goal is the essence of a great kitchen remodeling project. Explore the best options for how to design a kitchen renovation for entertaining to make your home the target destination for all your friends and family.

Create Lots of Open Space

Open concept designs cry out for parties and gatherings. Removing barriers opens the door to fun in more ways than one. It’s easy to communicate and take part in all the action, while at the same time having food available all the time. There’s a good reason why people love open floor plans in homes, and extending that into your kitchen only furthers the excitement.

Bring out the Chef in You

Of course, your kitchen is, after all, primarily the place where you prepare food. If you’re not targeting your inner chef, you’re missing the point. Make sure you add all the features needed to not only allow you to make outstanding meals, snacks, and provide great service, but to do it with ease!

Your chef’s kitchen should include easily-accessible utensils, the latest in modern appliances and plenty of counter and cabinet space. Do it all, and focus on your ability to show off your culinary expertise in the process.

Unified and Eye-Catching Color and Design Schemes

Excitement in entertaining, however, requires a lot more than functionality and open space. As you undertake the process of renovating a kitchen, keep in mind that your area needs to be easy on the eyes as well. Make sure that your design and color schemes complement, but don’t clash.

Keep colors muted and warm, and choose a focal point around which to build. It could be an island. It could be a decorative backsplash or tiling pattern on the wall. Earth tones are best for kitchens. Don’t go too neon; keep it well-lit, but welcoming.

There are a range of choices to make for your Carefree home remodel in the kitchen. From natural stone countertops to decorative glass tiling, from stainless steel appliances to fully-functional islands, the choices are endless.

How does one decide from amongst this wealth of options? The best way is to sit down and work out an advance plan of action with the help of outstanding professional Carefree Arizona kitchen remodeling services.


Contact the home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge kitchen. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

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How to Design a Kitchen Renovation for Entertaining

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Pros and Cons of Tiny Home Construction in Scottsdale

tiny home construction in ScottsdaleOne day the very idea of them was anathema to homeowners and the next day, there they were, popping up all over the countryside. We’re talking, of course, about tiny homes. The tiny home explosion has become wildly popular among those looking to simplify their lives and save money. But is a tiny home right for you? Explore the pros and cons of tiny home construction in Scottsdale so you can make the best decision for your new custom home building project.

Pro #1: Get Back to Basics and Live off the Grid

One of the biggest benefits of tiny home construction is the ability and the potential to live off the grid. These homes require so little maintenance and energy that you may be able to hook up a generator or solar kit and go completely off the grid. Cut your ties with technology and get back to basics!

Pro #2: Live the Quiet and Cozy Life

If you like to live cozy and quiet, a tiny home is definitely for you. These structures cut down on living space and deliver a quaint, close space where you can close yourself off from the rest of the world. Tiny homes are the very definition of “cozy.”

Pro #3: Have a New Home Quickly

It takes the average professional contractor about 120 hours (give or take) to build a tiny home, around a month of total construction! Consider that against the six months to two years it can take to build a large, full-sized home, and you can see the benefit of building tiny houses. Of course, you’ll want to ask your professional home builder for their time table, but the results are almost always faster.

Pro #4: Get a Whole Home for Less

Since tiny homes are far smaller than full-sized ones, they also tend to cost a lot less. If you’re looking to get a whole home of your own for a lot less money, go for a tiny house.

Con #1: It Can Feel Cramped

The converse of cozy living is cramped space. People who live in tiny houses sometimes report feeling very claustrophobic and closed-in. If you don’t do well in constrained spaces, this kind of living might not be for you.

Con #2: Forget about Storage

Tiny living areas create an economy of space. The point of tiny living is to minimize your life. If you’ve got a lot of stuff you’ll need an external storage facility, or you’ll need to offload some of it before you move into your new smaller space. There’s little to no storage in a tiny house.

Con #3: Not Much Room for Guests

You won’t be having many parties, social gatherings or even visitors in a tiny home. Without space for people to lounge and put a little distance between them, hosting others in your new home will be a challenge at best.

Con #4: Lower Resale Potential

Your tiny home won’t just be worth less money due to the smaller area, people will be less likely to line up to buy a tiny home. Despite the value they offer, these homes are still not something that most people actively look to buy. Especially if your living arrangements are to be temporary, keep this in mind.

If you’re wondering whether a tiny home is feasible for you, contact a professional custom Scottsdale tiny home construction company and get a full breakdown of the pros and cons so you can make the best decision for your custom home build in Scottsdale.


Contact the home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating a custom cutting-edge tiny home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

Pros and Cons of Tiny Home Construction in Scottsdale

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Troon Home Improvement Tips for Selling at Top Dollar

Troon home improvement tips for sellingThere are two basic reasons to remodel your home—either you’re staying and want to improve your own comfort, or you’re leaving and looking to boost resale value. For those who are looking to sell their home, it’s important to make the right renovations so you don’t spend more than you get out of it. Discover a list of the very best Troon home improvement tips for selling your house, getting the best value, and how a home renovation contractor can help.

Focus on the High Use Areas

The first rule of home renovation to increase value is to focus on those areas of the home that will see the highest use. The most popular areas for renovation are the bathroom, master bedroom and kitchen remodel. These are rooms where people not only spend a lot of time, they look for extra features. You could certainly add built-in shelves to your living room, but in the end, there aren’t a lot of add-ons for those spaces.

Kitchens and bathrooms, on the other hand, benefit from additions like natural stone counters, recessed appliances, hidden outlets, added lighting, and other features. These are definitely where you want to focus your work.

Open Floor Plans Increase Utility

Open floor plans are all the rage these days and for good reason. They improve the flow through your house—both air and energy. They make the home feel freer and less claustrophobic. They also vastly increase usable space. Think carefully about tackling an open floor plan in your Troon home remodel.

Unify Your Design and Color

It’s important to remain neutral if you’re remodeling for sale. You want your home to present as a beautiful but blank canvas on which the new owner can paint their ideal picture. That means, also, that you want your design and color schemes to be complementary throughout.

Many people create great color schemes and ignore home fixtures, which can create a clash. Pay attention to matching your fixture design and color throughout the home, and keep it all unified.

Natural Light Is Best

Improving your home means making it as bright as possible. While you could include lots of track lighting and overhead lamps, it’s far better to focus on natural light. Not only is it brighter, natural light tends to be warmer and more welcoming. It’s also less hard on the eyes.

Even better, natural light is eco-friendly. It saves power, creates zero carbon footprint, and can save you a lot of money on utility bills. Many people specifically look for natural lighting in the homes they buy, so anything you can do to increase natural light is a great option to improve your home’s value.

Of course, you’ll get the most out of your renovation job by working with an outstanding custom home remodeling contractor in Troon.

Troon Home Improvement Tips for Selling at Top Dollar

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Paradise Valley Home Renovation Process [Ultimate Guide]

Paradise Valley Home Renovation ProcessHome renovation is both exciting and exceptionally stressful. As a homeowner, you can’t afford to have your house torn up for months on end, but you want your renovation to be thorough and complete. Read our ultimate guide to the Paradise Valley home renovation process, and how working with the right contractor can save your remodeling project.

Come Up with Your Dream Design

The first step in the process of home remodeling, of course, is to come up with your dream design. Sit down and make a list of all the things you want to include, and then separate that list into “must haves” and “would be nice.” Once you’ve got that list down, you’ve already started establishing your game plan!

Hire a Qualified and Trustworthy Contractor

The next stage in our remodeling guide is finding the right home construction company in Paradise Valley. Research local contractors, look over reviews and customer testimonials and check out their Better Business Bureau rating.

When you’ve narrowed down your choices to four or five, interview them. Ask for a quote, in writing. Ask to see their licensing and bonding paperwork. Don’t be afraid to ask difficult questions—after all, this is someone with whom you’re going to have a relationship for a long time to come.

Understand the Permit Process

Check your local municipality’s website, or give them a call to see what permits will be required and what you’ll need to do to get them. Your contractor can also help with this. The right permits are essential to avoiding fines and keeping your renovation on track and on time.

Work out a Timeline with Concrete Goal Posts

Speaking of time, you want your remodeling project to go fast as well as smoothly. As you plan your project with your contractor, work out a specific timeline of the job, with concrete benchmarks and goal posts. Find out what will be done to address the issue if the job falls behind schedule, and what will be done to ensure that doesn’t happen. Get it all in writing!

Clear out the Clutter

Now you’re almost ready to get started. By now you’re probably quite excited and a bit anxious. Your next action item is to clear out the clutter. Treat the place as though you’re moving out! The less possessions you have around the house, the less likely the contractors are to damage something, and the smoother the work will go.

The Construction Begins

Now the drills start to run and the hammers start to fall. The construction process has begun! Keep in touch with your contractor throughout the remodeling process, but try to give them the space they need to work. The more you’re on top of them, the harder it is for them to get the job done. It can be helpful to establish a point person from whom you can get regular updates.

Renovation Walkthrough

When the construction is complete, you’ll take a final walkthrough. Carefully examine all aspects of the job, and don’t be afraid to point out any issues you might have. This is your chance to take notice of those things which aren’t exactly the way you want.

Corrections and Repairs

Your renovation contractor in Paradise Valley Arizona should be happy to address any concerns you might have and make any needed repairs and corrections to the work. If there are no corrections or repairs to make, congratulations! Enjoy your newly remodeled home!


Contact the home remodeling experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

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Paradise Valley Home Renovation Process [Ultimate Guide]