Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Troon Exterior Home Remodeling to Enhance Your Curb Appeal

Troon exterior home remodelingCurb appeal is a term that comes up a great deal for those trying to sell their home. It refers to the first impressions that people have when they drive past or up to your house.

The old saying about books and covers applies very much to the process of selling your home, and using the right Troon exterior home remodeling services can greatly improve that aspect of your property. Discover some suggestions for home exterior remodeling services in Troon to increase the outer appeal and bring those potential buyers inside.

Enclose Your Carport

Do you have a carport that is mostly unused and one that you wished was a private and spacious garage, instead? One of the best tactics for remodeling the exterior of your home is to turn that carport into a full garage, or a semi-enclosed garage. Where a carport can look like it was erected quickly as an afterthought, integrating it as a garage makes it look like a genuine part of your property, which enhances your overall exterior appeal. Even better, garages are a more solidified part of your home, making your home seem more spacious and versatile.

Create Custom Stonework Designs

Adding custom stonework in an attractive design pattern can be a great way to bring in potential buyers as well. Whether it’s patterns in the walls of your home, a special decorative walkway, a wall surrounding the yard, or a custom patio space, adding custom stonework designs is sure to enhance your home’s curb appeal — while adding flair to the overall home aesthetic.

Create an Oasis in Your Front Yard

The idea of a backyard oasis isn’t new, but is still very popular. However, when it comes to curb appeal, most people don’t consider putting an oasis in their front yard. A front-yard oasis is a great way to establish a warm and welcoming place where you can relax and escape from the world. It’s also something that will speak the same message to those who come by to consider buying the home. An inviting front yard oasis would make a great first impression on any prospective buyer.

A Fresh Coat of Paint Speaks Volumes

Do you have places that are looking a little bit rundown? Places that are overall solid, but could just use a bit of a facelift? You’d be amazed at how easily you can boost your home’s appeal just by giving these places a quick painting. A paint job is an outstanding place to start in giving your home the facelift it needs by making your home seem fresh and clean. When it comes to a thorough and extensive remodeling project, you want to make absolutely certain that painting forms an essential part of that process.

After your new garage is complete, the front yard oasis is ready, and the last coat of paint has dried, you’re ready to attract prospective home buyers. Enhance your curb appeal today by using any of the listed above exterior home remodeling ideas — or experiment with your own creative home remodeling ideas!


Contact the home remodeling experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

Troon Exterior Home Remodeling to Enhance Your Curb Appeal

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Paradise Valley Home Office Remodel: Converting a Guest Room

Paradise Valley Home Office RemodelSo you have a guest room that you never use, and you’re thinking it might be a good idea to convert it into a home office. Maybe you’ve got a new work-from-home job, or you need to extend your working hours.

Whatever the reason, that unused extra space could make an outstanding home office. Here’s some ideas and suggestions for converting your guest room through an outstanding Paradise Valley home office remodel, and how a Paradise Valley contractor can help.

Make It Your Space

The first, and most important thing to keep in mind, is that this is going to be your space. It’s a place you’ll need to work, and that means the right energy and flow. The very first thing you need to do is plan out an office that will truly be yours, a place that’s free from distractions and where you can get all your work done.

Think about a Built-in Desk

Many people want features that are intrinsic to the room, that can be hidden when needed or that become a fixture and part of the space. One of the great ways to do this is by installing a built-in desk as part of your home office remodel. Installing a built-in desk makes it a real part of the room. If the room is small, it can also be a great space-saver.

Maximize Space with Built-in Bookcases

Speaking of maximizing space, consider built-in bookcases. They can even be added to your desk design to put everything you need within easy reach. Another space-saving feature of built-in bookcases is that you can recess them into the wall, which inherently adds more floor space to the room, with less visible clutter. Using a built-in bookcase feature can be a great way to make a space feel warm, comfortable and create a great visual focal point.

Double-Up as a Guest Room

One thing that tends to hold people back from remodeling a home office is the idea of potentially needing to have that guest room available should people come over at some point in time. The good news is that there are lots of custom home remodel projects that can both give you a great home office while still keeping its guest room utility. One option is the addition of a hidden murphy bed, but there are lots of other remodeling options you could try. Get started today on your new home office project by enlisting great custom home remodeling services in Paradise Valley to add an amazing new functional space.


Contact the Paradise Valley home remodeling experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about creating the perfect home office. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

Paradise Valley Home Office Remodel: Converting a Guest Room

Tuesday, January 17, 2017

How Much to Renovate a Home in Carefree

How Much to Renovate a Home in CarefreeThere are a lot of questions that come up when one considers how much it will cost for remodeling a home in Carefree. It can be overwhelming, the sheer amount of information you have to consider in order to create a realistic budget for your home renovations. The process of remodeling your home can be easy or complex, can be inexpensive or cost a great deal depending on the size of your home, the type of remodeling and how much work needs to be done.

Remodeling can be something you can handle yourself, or something that requires help from expert home renovation services in Carefree. Read some tips and advice that go into determining how much to renovate a home in Carefree, and where you can find the best help to get the work done.

What Work Needs to be Done?

The first step in estimating home renovation costs for your Carefree home is to determine what work needs to be done. Will this be a basic facelift of a room or two or a more in-depth home renovation requiring extensive repairs? Are you looking to perform a large add-on or change the way a space is currently being used? Will there be a lot of interior work requiring demolition and reconstruction? These overarching questions are key in order for you to accurately determine the overall cost to remodel your home.

Is the Work Highly Customized?

When it comes to your Carefree home remodel, the first thing you want to consider is how detailed and customized the work is going to be. As a general rule, the more individualized the work, the more it’s going to cost.

If you undertake a standard renovation, the costs can be mitigated by easy work, common and easily-available equipment and the like. If it’s very specific and unique, you might have a difficult time finding the parts, equipment and expert help you’ll need. You might even have to pay for special qualifications in your work. There are a number of other factors that might play in as well that could raise the costs of your remodeling.

What is the Scope of the Work?

The scope of the work also comes into play when determining your costs. A single room renovation is going to cost less than remodeling your whole house. By comparison, building an entire custom home add-on will likely cost more than renovating an existing space. Consider the scope of the work in determining your overall costs.

Are Permits Required?

Building permits are another important factor to be considered when it comes to your home’s construction and remodeling. Whether or not you’ll need permits depends on a number of things — the scope of the work, whether the work needed is all interior or has exterior requirements, and, of course, the neighborhood in which you live. Check the Carefree building regulations before you start on your home remodeling project for information about building permits, when they’re needed and how much it’ll add to your home renovation costs.


Contact the Carefree home remodeling experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

How Much to Renovate a Home in Carefree

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

Buying Land to Build a House in Troon [11 FAQ]

Buying Land to Build a House in TroonBuilding a custom home is exciting, but to do it right you have to approach it systematically. Read our list of 21 frequently asked home building questions regarding buying land to build a house in Troon, and where to find the best help available.

How Long Does It Take to Build a Home?

The timeline for Building a custom home in Troon can range from six months for a prefab home, to a year or more for a large custom project. Your custom home building contractor in Troon can help with the details.

How Do I Find Land to Build My Home?

Buying Land to build a house in Troon can be a process. Start by talking to your contractor, searching the web and talking to local realtors.

Can My Builder Help Find Me Land?

You should always talk to your contractor before starting your search. They may point towards lots for sale, or helpful contacts. They can help explain the best kind of home for the land you eventually choose.

Is an Architect Necessary?

Whether or not you need an architect depends largely on the scope of your project.

What about Pre-Done Plans?

There’s nothing wrong with buying a set of pre-made plans if they suit your needs. Just remember that someone else may own the intellectual property for those plans, which means your house might not be unique to you.

Is It Hard to Get Zoning?

So long as your house is up to code and meets all local regulations you shouldn’t have a hard time getting zoned.

How do I know if There’s Adequate Road Frontage?

You’ll need to do a title search. This will provide this information.

Will the Road Be Maintained at Public Expense?

This depends on whether it’s a public or a private road.

Is Construction Insurance Necessary?

Your contractor should be insured and bonded, but having your own private insurance never hurts.

Can I Take a Final Walkthrough Before Finalizing the Deal?

Yes. We recommend a walkthrough with your builder. You will be able to ask specific questions if needed about building materials, life of certain items and more.

Will There Be a Warranty on the Home?

Good home building contractors in Troon will always stand behind their work.

We hope these frequently asked home building questions were helpful. If you’d like more information, call the best custom home building contractor in Troon, Peak One, today.


Contact the Troon home building experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

Buying Land to Build a House in Troon [11 FAQ]

Tuesday, January 3, 2017

5 Best Home Remodeling Resolutions to Ring in 2017

Home Remodeling ResolutionsHere we go again! The New Year is almost upon us and 2016 is mostly in the rearview mirror. It’s been a year of ups and downs, and many people are looking forward to the new start this coming year more than ever. That means, of course, new year’s resolutions.

Some of the best resolutions you can make are those relating to getting your house in shape, taking care of all those hidden flaws that crept up on you, and turning your already-great home into the home of your dreams. Don’t be nervous; once you start, you’ll find it a fun journey! Read how you can launch your new year in style with these five outstanding home remodeling resolutions to help you ring in 2017.

Be Eco-Friendly

Going green is all the rage these days, and for good reason. We’re becoming more aware of the effects our actions have on the environment, and it’s easier and more affordable than ever to be eco-friendly in your design. From composite decking to recycled mulch to paper-based countertops, there are a range of easy green-living remodels that any good renovation contractor in Phoenix can help you install!

Spruce Up Living Spaces

Why remodel a room that you never use? Focus your energy on sprucing up those rooms you use on a regular basis. That way you not only get the most out of your 2017 home remodeling, but you really get the feeling of living in a new space. Whether it’s your kitchen or bathroom (the most popular remodel spaces) or your living room, go for a home facelift this year!

Find That Hidden Storage Space

One thing many people overlook when remodeling a home is storage space. We’ve all got more clutter than we’d otherwise like to have, but often you don’t want to clear it out entirely. It’s essential to have space to put your stuff so your house stays clean, neat and organized. Do you have a room you never use? Why not convert it into an organized storage space with movable and customizable shelves?

Make a List and Check It Twice

When you’re thinking about rooms to renovate in a house, make a list of all the things you’ve always dreamed of having. Check and double-check it. Add to it and take away features as they come to you, as you finish projects or as you find you maybe don’t need that particular feature after all. Having a list will keep you organized and ensure that you don’t overlook the most important features!

Get Ready for the Summer Months

Now, of course this is the winter time, but you know what that means? Now is the perfect time to start summer renovations! Starting that new deck, or the new pool landscaping now will mean that it’s up and ready to go when the summer season gets underway! Your home could be the neighborhood destination for gatherings this year. Don’t wait — start preparing now so you can be sure to get the very best home remodeling in Arizona.


Contact the Scottsdale home remodeling experts at Peak One Builders & Restoration to learn more about remodeling your home. Request a free estimate or call 480-378-0611 now!

Read related articles:

5 Best Home Remodeling Resolutions to Ring in 2017